Team projects app

A team projects template for AI integrations

start your project

template projects for your business

Team Projects
Team Projects
Team Dashboard
Team Dashboard
Team Tasks
Team Tasks
Team Members
Team Members

Tailored AI-Augmentation using our Team projects template

Begin your AI projects journey with our Team Projects Starter Template. This  template is designed to integrate seamlessly with AI models, such as ChatGPT, open-sourced models or your existing enterprise AI models so that we can create the best AI workflows for your business. Using this template, our agency can help create AI-augmented automations tailored to your needs, enhancing various aspects of project management.

For example, we can enhance employee training and support through a custom-built chatbot, provide advanced analytics by using AI to offer deeper insights into your project data or create an AI interface to chat with your enterprise documents, simplifying information retrieval and document management.

Book a discovery call to let us find out which AI automations could best be tailored to your business.

A private community for entrepreneurs and creators to gather, work and connect.

A home for the creative and the curious, NeueHouse is a private community of leading entrepreneurs and creative teams. Members are offered experiences, coworking spaces, personalized services and opportunities that foster new ideas and important associations.

Located in New York, Los Angeles and Miami, NeueHouse is a global home for innovators in film, design, fashion, branding, architecture and the arts. You can learn more on the NeueHouse.

The NeueHouse App allows users to find, connect and message other members, RSVP to special events, access perks and much more.

I built this app as part of the GetPpl platform, a customizable mobile-first platform for private clubs, associations, and networks to engage and connect with their members.

Team dashboard Page

Easily view your analytics on our dashboard.

Team Tasks Page

Create, track and filter your project tasks.

Team projects page

Create team projects and assign your team members to the proper tasks

Team members page

View your team members, invite new members and choose their roles.

Template Features


Easy Signup

project creation

Task creation

invite members

custom ai integrations


Responsive design


Book A call